Trade Management Solutions, LLP, et al. v. Robert G. Clarke and Overhaul Group, Inc.

Cause No: D-1-GN-16-001739
Jurisdiction: District Court for the 261st Judicial District, Travis County, Texas
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for the Plaintiff in case involving trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty related to supply chain/import export management software.
Years: 2016

Flexible Business Systems, Inc. v. Seacor Island Lines, Inc.

Cause No: 15-006350 CACE (07)
Jurisdiction: Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in case involving trade secret misappropriation and breach of contract related to ocean shipping business automation and management software.
Years: 2016

Team Express Distributing LLC v. Junction Solutions, Inc., Microsoft Corp., and RSM US LLP.

Cause No: 5-15-cv-00994
Jurisdiction: United State District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Defendants in contract performance and copyright case involving multichannel retail operations and Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Years: 2017

Beatty Street Properties, Inc. and Houston Pilots v. David C. Morrell and Mare Liberum Consulting, LP

Cause No: 2017-14919
Jurisdiction: District Court of Harris County, Texas, 133rd Judicial District
Description: Consulting and testifying witness in breach of contract and conversion case involving software used to locate and dispatch vessels and assist them in navigating various waterways and ports.
Years: 2017