Chevron USA, Inc. vs. Qiang Zhou and Maxwell Dynamics, Inc.

Cause No: 4:10-cv-01787
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for plaintiff in case alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of employment agreement. Federal district court case involving advanced oil and gas industry software and technology. Assisted in successfully seeking preliminary relief and early-agreed resolution.
Years: 2008

Touchcom, Inc., vs. Bereskin & Parr,

Cause No: 1:07-cv-00114-JCC-TCB
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division
Description: Consulting expert for defendants on means plus function software patent infringement case embedded within legal malpractice case. Federal district court case involving oil and gas related technology.
Years: 2010 2011

Epic Merchant Management, Inc., vs. West Oaks Energy, LP,

Cause No: 2009-63172
Jurisdiction: 281st Judicial District of the State of Texas, Harris County
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for plaintiff/employer in case involving alleged misappropriation of software trade secrets, breach of employment contract, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud. Texas state court case involving proprietary energy trading systems software.
Years: 2010

Kenneth C. Henry v. Petrolink Services, Inc. v. Digital Well File, LLC.

Cause No: 2010-08178
Jurisdiction: 133rd Judicial District of the State of Texas, Harris County
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for defendant in case involving petroleum data management software.
Years: 2011 2012 2013

Chris Lake v. Drilling Info, Inc.

Cause No: 14-01-0013-CVW
Jurisdiction: District Court of Wilson County, Texas, 81st Judicial District
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in contract performance case involving creation of electronic index and database of courthouse records for oil and gas title purposes.
Years: 2015 2016

Calsep, Inc. and Calsep, A/S v. Intelligent Petroleum Software Solutions, Inc.

Cause No: 4:19-cv-01118
Jurisdiction: United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert in case involving breach of contract and trade secret misappropriation of trade secrets related to oil and gas pressure-volume- temperature (PVT) analysis software.
Years: 2019

Enduro Pipeline Services, Inc. v. Joel Garringer and Joel Garringer, Inc.

Cause No: CJ-2017-04198
Jurisdiction: District Court of Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma
Description: Consulting and testifying expert in case involving theft of trade secret claims related to petroleum pipeline inspection (PIG) technology and software systems.
Years: 2019