General Parts, Inc. (Carquest Auto Parts) vs. Internet AutoParts, Inc.

Cause No: 1:08-cv-0313-SS
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert in federal court case involving comparison and analysis of software products against contract requirements and specification.
Years: 2009

IQ, Inc. v. Mobile Medical Corporation.

Cause No: 13CI06162
Jurisdiction: Court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Defendant and Counterclaimant in a contract performance case involving medical compliance software.
Years: 2015 2016

Chris Lake v. Drilling Info, Inc.

Cause No: 14-01-0013-CVW
Jurisdiction: District Court of Wilson County, Texas, 81st Judicial District
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in contract performance case involving creation of electronic index and database of courthouse records for oil and gas title purposes.
Years: 2015 2016

Team Express Distributing LLC v. Junction Solutions, Inc., Microsoft Corp., and RSM US LLP.

Cause No: 5-15-cv-00994
Jurisdiction: United State District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Defendants in contract performance and copyright case involving multichannel retail operations and Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Years: 2017

First American Bankcard, Inc. v. Smart Business Technology, Inc..

Cause No: 15-CV-638
Jurisdiction: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in contract performance and fraud case involving casino cash access software and kiosks.
Years: 2017

Wonderworks PTE. LTD. v. Hewlett Packard Company, HP Enterprise Services, LLC., and Hewlett Packard (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Cause No: 114CV273632
Jurisdiction: Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara
Description: Consulting and testifying expert witness in contract performance and software licensing case involving financial and regulatory data collection and reporting software.
Years: 2018

Chevron USA, Inc. vs. Qiang Zhou and Maxwell Dynamics, Inc.

Cause No: 4:10-cv-01787
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for plaintiff in case alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of employment agreement. Federal district court case involving advanced oil and gas industry software and technology. Assisted in successfully seeking preliminary relief and early-agreed resolution.
Years: 2008

Scienton Technologies, Inc. vs. Computer Associates International, Inc..

Cause No: 04 Civ. 2652 (JS) (ETB)
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for plaintiffs in case involving dispute between former joint development partners over alleged misappropriation of trade secrets and know-how and breach of collaboration and confidentiality agreements. Federal district court case involving Sharepoint and enterprise data storage solutions.
Years: 2010 2011 2012 2013