Intellectual Ventures I LLC vs. Symantec Corp.

Cause No: 13-cv-440-LPS
Jurisdiction: US District Court for District of Delaware
Description: Consulting and testifying expert in software patent infringement case in Delaware Federal Court.
Years: 2013

Scienton Technologies, Inc. vs. Computer Associates International, Inc..

Cause No: 04 Civ. 2652 (JS) (ETB)
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for plaintiffs in case involving dispute between former joint development partners over alleged misappropriation of trade secrets and know-how and breach of collaboration and confidentiality agreements. Federal district court case involving Sharepoint and enterprise data storage solutions.
Years: 2010 2011 2012 2013

Anue Systems, Inc. vs. Sameer Gupta and Giganet Systems, Inc..

Cause No: D-1-GN-11-000438
Jurisdiction: 126th Judicial District of the State of Texas, Travis County
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in Texas State Court case involving alleged misappropriation of trade secrets related to network switching and security technology.
Years: 2012

Artec Group, Inc. v. Andrey Klimov

Cause No: 15-CV-03449-RMW
Jurisdiction: US District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division
Description: Consulting and testifying expert for Plaintiff in case involving alleged trade secret misappropriation related to facial recognition software and scanners.
Years: 2016