Software Services
Expert witness

Technology Assessments & Code Audits

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your technology stack and ecosystem. Our detailed assessments identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities - make informed decisions for future growth and innovation.

Tech assessment

Uncover technological potential

Gain a clear and detailed understanding of your current technology setup. Our thorough assessments identify areas for improvement and opportunities for innovation and empowers you to make informed decisions for future growth.

Discovery meeting with staff members around a conference table.
Two staff members working on strategy and design on a white board.
A software engineer writing code on a monitor.

Comprehensive Technology Evaluations

Eureka provides deep and qualitative examinations of software ecosystems. Whether you're considering a merger or acquisition, or simply want to confirm your software is up to par with an audit, our technology risk and needs assessments provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses. We meticulously analyze your technology stack, development processes, and architectural decisions to give you a clear picture of your software's current state. Our team of seasoned experts brings a wealth of know-how across various industries and technologies - health technology assessments and finance technology assessments are especially valuable due to heavy compliance requirements.

Strategic Insights for Informed Decision-Making

Beyond just cataloging technologies, we provide strategic insights that drive your business forward for growth. Our assessments evaluate scalability, maintainability, and alignment with industry standards. We examine your development workflows, including testing practices and deployment processes, to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. For mergers and acquisitions, we offer a detailed analysis of how different systems can be integrated, potential challenges, and estimated effort required. Our reports are geared towards your business use cases to offer technical details for your development team and high-level summaries for executive decision-makers.

Roadmap to Excellence

Our technology risk and needs assessment includes a detailed set of actionable recommendations prioritized based on impact and effort where applicable. These might include suggestions for modernizing legacy systems, improving security practices, optimizing cloud usage, or adopting more efficient development methodologies. We also identify opportunities for consolidation or areas where new technologies can provide significant upside. Our goal is to take the guesswork out of your decision-making and empower you with the knowledge and strategy needed to elevate your software platform.


Full stack app development

We have designed, developed, and supported amazing software for nearly 40 years in Austin, TX.

Software Engineering

Our custom software engineering services at Eureka deliver robust, scalable, and high-performance software solutions. We leverage the latest technologies and methodologies to build turnkey systems that meet your specific requirements - reliability and efficiency are a must in every project.

Database Development

Eureka Software provides flexible and high-performing database solutions that deliver the information you need when you need it, every time.

UI & UX Design

Eureka offers innovative software design services that transform your ideas into intuitive, user-friendly interfaces. Our team combines aesthetics with functionality to create sleek designs and seamless user experiences that advance your business goals.

DevOps & CI/CD

Our DevOps and CI/CD services streamline your software development lifecycle by promoting continuous integration and delivery. Eureka's team automates and optimizes your workflows, which enhances collaboration, accelerates releases, and provides consistent, high-quality software deployments.

Product Design

Eureka's software product designers align your technology with your needs and opportunities.

Project Management

Our team of specialists includes project managers to keep your development on track toward the finish line.

Branding & Creative

We blend creativity with strategy to develop cohesive brand experiences, including logo design, brand messaging, and marketing collateral. Our goal is to ensure your brand stands out to foster loyalty and drive long-term success.

QA Testing

Eureka provides comprehensive QA testing services to confirm your software is bug-free and performs flawlessly. Our rigorous testing processes cover functionality, usability, security, and performance, intending to guarantee a high-quality product that meets user expectations and industry standards.


Eureka's optimization services enhance the performance and efficiency of your existing software. We conduct thorough analyses to identify bottlenecks and implement solutions that improve speed, responsiveness, and overall functionality - we'll make sure your software operates at its best.

Agile Consulting

Eureka's agile consulting services help you implement and get the most out of agile methodologies. Our experts guide your team in embracing agile principles - improve project management, enhance collaboration, and deliver software solutions faster and more efficiently.
Expert witness

Expert witness & IP litigation

Our experienced expert witness team has spent over 500 hours testifying on behalf of our clients.

Trade Secret Expert

Parties can and should protect their trade secrets throughout their various business relationships. However, as these relationships change and conclude, the handling (and mishandling) of trade secrets often becomes an issue that ends up in litigation. We're experienced in assisting litigants and the courts to decipher what is and is not consistent with a trade secret (particularly software trade secrets), and to determine whether or not wrongful disclosure or misappropriation of such material or knowledge has occurred.

Patent Expert

As patent expert witnesses, Eureka has worked with both Plaintiffs and Defendants to review and analyze a wide range of software and technology-related patents in both state and federal court as well as proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. We're experienced in reviewing and drafting claim charts, infringement contentions, interrogatories, requests for production, and more - we've submitted numerous expert reports on numerous topics in software patent litigation.

Source Code Expert

Source code is an integral part of virtually every complex software litigation matter. Eureka’s team has written and worked with complex software in nearly every known programming and coding language. This breadth of technical experience allows us to quickly get involved as a source code expert witness in a software patent, copyright, or trade secret case, as well as provide value with regard to the review, analysis, and comparison of the underlying software source code.

Copyright & CMI Expert

Eureka's copyright and CMI expert witness services offer in-depth analysis and testimony on software copyright and digital rights management issues. Our experts provide clear insights and authoritative opinions to support your legal cases and ensure comprehensive protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Contract Performance

Eureka’s contract performance expert witness services offer authoritative support in legal disputes involving software contracts. Our seasoned experts provide comprehensive analysis, detailed evaluations, and credible testimony to help you maneuver complex contract performance issues and provide accurate and reliable outcomes in your litigation cases.

Forensics & Data Recovery

We offer expert forensic analysis and data recovery solutions to validate data integrity and retrieve critical information for legal and business needs.

Computer Expert

Our team of computer experts provides a deep understanding of software, computers, and technology, particularly for intellectual property litigation.

Database Expert

Eureka's team of experts offers vital expertise in intellectual property disputes involving databases, including SQL, NoSQL, and specialized data structures.

Device & Electronics Expert

Eureka Software's experts dissect and analyze the software inside handheld and wearable devices and other consumer electronics.

Network & Internet Expert

Our expert witnesses provide deep software experience and insights into network and internet technology disputes.