Next-level education from technological innovation.
Eureka builds cutting-edge educational technology that transforms learning experiences for future generations, such as our work with Harvard University. Our team leverages modern frameworks to create engaging and interactive learning management systems that function seamlessly across different devices. Adaptive learning algorithms personalize educational content to each student's needs and learning pace. From gamified mobile apps that make learning fun to virtual reality experiences that bring abstract concepts to life, the options are endless to captivate your students and empower your educators.
We turn mountains of educational data into insights that drive student engagement and success. We build comprehensive data lakes combined with AI to process everything from attendance records to test scores or utilize natural language processing to analyze student writing and provide automated feedback. We create intuitive dashboards that allow educators to visualize student progress and identify areas for improvement in real-time. With the correct data, you could even predict at-risk students and recommend personalized learning paths at scale to support entire school districts or universities.
Our expert witnesses are the ultimate study buddies regarding education technology. As shown in our work with Post University v. Course Hero, our team of professionals possesses deep knowledge of learning management systems, student information systems, and online assessment platforms - we employ this expertise to dissect complex algorithms used in adaptive learning software. Whether you're dealing with a case involving data privacy breaches in student information systems, disputes over intellectual property in online course content, or accessibility compliance issues in e-learning platforms, our expert witnesses provide the technical expertise and communication skills to accurately and clearly explain our findings to judges and juries.