Expert Witness and Legal Consultant

Monty G. Myers

Licenses and Patents

  • Licensed Professional Engineer #75271, State of Texas
  • Private Instrument Rated Pilot #3014095
  • Inventor on US Patent No. 6775644 System load testing coordination over a network and US Patent No. 6601020 System Load testing coordination over a network.

Professional Background

  • Currently active software industry executive with 45+ years of technology education and experience.
  • Founder of Eureka Software Solutions, Inc. (“Eureka”). CEO of Eureka for 38+ years.
  • Involvement in the daily management and operation of Eureka, including business development, contracts, customer relations, project scope, execution and oversight, strategy, and management, hiring and finance. (See for additional information)
  • Negotiated and performed hundreds of real-world software and technology contracts and statements of work involving complex software project and licensing terms and conditions including material intellectual property aspects.
  • Actively engaged in handling and protecting the confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and technology of Eureka and its clients.
  • For the last 15+ years has served as an expert witness for a balanced mix of plaintiffs and defendants in over 135 litigation matters ranging from billion-dollar, landscape-changing lawsuits between worldwide industry leaders to smaller-scale litigation between individuals or local businesses.

Capabilities / Resources

  • Software and computer expert witness experienced and proven at offering expert testimony under-oath at trial, hearings, and depositions.
  • Extensive work with counsel in the taking and defending of depositions, reviewing, and challenging the testimony of others, and assisting with and implementing an overall trial presentation strategy.
  • Adept at taking highly technical material and effectively communicating it to counsel, the judge, or a jury in terms they can understand.
  • Ready availability of Eureka’s experienced team of software developers and IT forensic specialists as needed to analyze or recreate relevant software or hardware platforms or scenarios.
  • Regular use of proprietary and licensed tools and software to assist with source code analysis and performance testing, load testing, data recovery and extraction, metadata review and management, and e-discovery.
  • Experience performing analyses supporting matters involving alleged evidence destruction where negative inferences, death penalty sanctions, or other relief is sought by a party.

Practical Implementation of Expertise

  • Review and comparison of software source code and functionality in relation to contractual commitments and requirements and/or protected intellectual property including, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents.
  • Computer/software forensics – able to reverse engineer and reconstruct hardware and software environments from backups, remnants, and fragments of deprecated software. Eureka IT and Software development team is skilled at re- creating historical hardware and software environments.
  • Investigation and assessment of software project bidding, planning and performance with particular attention to adequacy of discovery, specifications, cost estimates, schedules, and deliverables.
  • Functional and performance testing of software against applicable specifications, warranties or industry standards using proprietary and commercial testing tools and techniques.
  • Evaluation and use of both traditional and modern software development techniques and strategies, including creative payment structures related to software application/effort valuation and intellectual property licensing and ownership.
  • Reviewing and exercising software applications and IT networks to expose and correct security issues and weaknesses.

Applicability of Expertise

  • Patent Infringement/Non-infringement
  • Patent Validity/Invalidity
  • Computer/Software Trade Secret Misappropriation
  • Software Intellectual Property (i.e., copyright, patents, trade secrets, derivative works)
  • Non-compete Agreements
  • Computer/Software Forensics and Data Recovery
  • Computer Software/ Programming
  • Software Project Failure
  • Computer/Software Technology & Strategy Mapping
  • Software Testing
  • Software Analysis & Development
  • Software/Computer Contracts and Licenses
  • Software Quality Analysis
  • Software Project Estimating
  • Software Schedule Delay & Analysis
  • Software Source Code Comparison and Analysis
  • New Computer/Software Product Development and Investigation
  • Software Project Statement of Work and Specification Review
  • Software Product Economic Life
  • Information Technology Practices and Standards
  • E-discovery
  • Electronic Due Diligence
  • Software Proposals
  • Software Development Methodologies and Standards
  • Internet/Cloud Commerce and Security
  • Dispute Resolutions
  • Internet & Web Strategies
  • Software Application Valuation & Appraisals
  • Software Security
  • Software Consultant Errors & Omissions
  • Revenue Recognition Models


  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Texas A&M University, Cum Laude
  • Substantial graduate level course work at the University of Texas

Awards and Honors

  • Multiple Regional Fastest Growing Company Awards
  • Microsoft Outstanding Partner Awards
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